Monday, January 19, 2015

Saying Goodbye

Six months ago, moving to Africa seemed so far away.  Six months later, here it is, and where did the time go?!?  It is quite amazing how quickly time can go by and something that was so far in the future is happening before you know it.  Another example would be DR's first birthday... we've been parents for a year!  There is no way it has been a year already.  The move to Malawi has snuck up on us like the crest of a roller coaster before the drop. Needless to say, we were scrambling to tie up loose ends up to the weekend before we left.  Thanks to Donald's parents, we had ample space to pack and store our belongings, as well as hand off some unfinished tasks.  We are so thankful to both of our families for all of their hard work and dedication in helping us prepare for this big move in our lives.  It means even more because we both know how much they will sincerely miss their grandson.

We were both fearful of breaking ties with friends and family (immediate and church).  Over the years, our lives have become intertwined with so many wonderful people that we love dearly.  The thought of saying goodbye was something we dreaded.  How do you say goodbye to a best friend, or a church that has been a constant source of support, or a parent who is enjoying their first grandson?  What do you say to comfort them in knowing that God has called you so far away to serve Him?  How do you even start the "goodbye" conversation?  The task seemed daunting. On top of that, finding time to say goodbye to everyone we know and love was impossible.

Praise be to God who orchestrates all things for the good of those who love Him.  Our pastor called us up to the front of the church at the end of service the day before we left in order for people to come say goodbye and pray for us.  It was a time of encouragement, mourning, and openness.  There were tears of sadness knowing we would not be seeing each other for a long time, along with tears of joy knowing God was planning to use us and our church family in miraculous ways to bless the people of Malawi.  This was not a planned event on our parts.  All praise goes to God for His plan. After saying our goodbyes we had much peace about leaving.  We knew that although we would be thousands of miles away, the same God that was holding us in His hands in Houston is preparing our way in Malawi.  The ability to share with each of our church family members helps us to know that will still be connected to them wherever we are.

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